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Li, Y.*, Chouhan, N.S.*, Zhang, S., Moore, R.S., Shon, J., Yue, Z., and Sehgal, A. (2024). Modulation of RNA processing genes during sleep-dependent memory. eLife. doi: * equal contribution


Frantzmann, F., Lamberty, M., Braune, L., Auger, G.M., Chouhan, N.S., Langenhan, T., Selcho, M., and Pauls, D. (2023). Neuronal correlates of time integration into memories. bioRxiv. doi:   â€‹  


Chouhan, N.S., and Sehgal, A. (2022). Consolidation of sleep-dependent appetitive memory is mediated by a sweet-sensing circuit. Journal of Neuroscience. 42, 3856-3867.


Chouhan, N.S., Griffith, L.C., Haynes, P., and Sehgal, A. (2021). Availability of food determines the need for sleep in memory consolidation. Nature. 589, 582-585.


Chouhan, N.S., Mohan, K., and Ghose, A. (2017). cAMP signaling mediates behavioral flexibility and consolidation of social status in Drosophila aggression. Journal of Experimental Biology. 220, 4502-4514.


Chouhan, N.S., Wolf, R., and Heisenberg, M. (2017). Starvation promotes odor-feeding/time memory in flies. Learning and Memory. 24, 318-321.


Chouhan, N.S., Wolf, R., Helfrich-Förster, C. and Heisenberg, M. (2015). Flies remember the time of day. Current Biology. 25, 1-6.


Chouhan lab
Department of Biological Sciences
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai

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